Paul Brandenburg

The Warrant

They’re working on my arrest warrant in Berlin. The warning reaches me more and more often. Always from “well-informed circles”. Why just now? Because it has become too quiet.

I used to receive “investigation notices” from the “State Security” department of the criminal police every week, sometimes more often. I was always told the same thing. I had made myself guilty of the criminal offense of the new paragraph 188: “Insult, defamation and slander directed against persons of the political life”. The allegedly injured parties were members of the current federal cabinet. I was summoned to the headquarters of the political police in order to be questioned on the subject. This went on month after month. But for a few weeks now there has been silence. The status of the 70 or so ongoing investigations to date is unclear. It seems that no more have been added for weeks. Instead, uniformed polices officers turned up. At my families home and in the corridors of apartment buildings that I used to live in. When was the last time I was “seen there”? Have I been there regularly in the last weeks? There were “contradictions” regarding my whereabouts. These would have to be clarified “on behalf of the authorities”. My lawyer wrote to the police inquiring on what exactly they wanted to know. Twice. Then they replied: The exact purpose could not be disclosed. It was secret.

In the meantime, it has been announced that the “investigation” into the “war weapons” I allegedly bought? traded? owned? were resumed. Only days before, the public prosecutor’s office announced the exact opposite: the case was about to be closed. The “State Security” (“Dept. 5” of Berlins criminal police) had investigated what was obvious from the beginning: the initial accusation against me was a blantant lie.The detectives came to this conclusion after they had kicked down the doors of my mother’s, my brother’s and my own apartments. After they SWATED us, tied us up and shouted in our faces at gunpoint. After they robbed my phones, my computer and of course all my hunting and sporting guns, which I had registered legally for decades. Like my guns, they subjected fifteen years of my text messages, emails and even photos to an extensive analysis. Every line of my texts and every one of my photos, no matter how private, every weapon was examined for traces of potential crimes. After months of analysis, they found: nothing. Nothing remotely criminal anyway. They recorded this finding in writing. Also the fact that the lie about the alleged “weapons of war” was an act of Christian H. H. was my ex-employee of mine, hell bent on revenge for being fired. The evidence against Christian H. was so overwhelming that even the “State Security” couldn’t ignore it.

What the “State Security” failed to achieve however, was accomplished by it’s superior: General Public Prosecutor’s Office of Berlin. Their prosecuter announced that they had “found new investigative approaches” to “prove” the lie after all. To this day, this prosecutior has ignored my lawyer’s request to grant her access to his evidence for any new “approach”, as he is required to do by law. An official complaint against his failure to do so is in progress. It will, most likely be pending until the end of time, or at least until the end of Germany’s ruling regime, for it officially has the power to drag out “investigations” such as this until eternity. Under Germany’s “rule of law”, nothing and nobody limits the one dimension that can turn “investigations” into a weapon: time. Wiretapping, surveillance and raids can go on in Germany’s for as long as the “investigators” wish. It’s hard to guess that this desire has shown no sign of tiring for years. “It has always been this way”, the lawyers assured me. The system “is simply not perfect”.

So the prosecutors keep prosecuting and the “State Security” investigating. The knowledge, it seems, that reality won’t bring them anything useful against me only seems to motivate.  After their first raid on my family, they quickly returned in the role of “bogus purchasers”. Disguised agents of “Department 4” (“narcotics”) of the criminal police. They approached me in a club, asking me to “illegally dispense” illicit substances. Apparently they hoped that my preference for Berlins “Kit Kat Klub” included an inclination towards such substances. After they had learned that it did not, the club “suddenly and unexpectedly” received anonymous letters of complaint. Anonymous senders complained, that a “right wing extremist” such as myself was allowed to party there. They would have to make this shocking fact it public if nothing happened.The club reacted and put my name on the only list I will ever make it onto alongside Elon Musk and Till Lindemann: that of its unwanted visitors.

But spoiling my party was not enough for “our democracy”. From then on, their officers of “Dept. LKA 6″ (“Operative Services”) of the criminal police followed me, on foot and by car. To keep record of my life. And the lives of others: my friends and family. Agents of the domestic political intelligence service (“Verfassungsschutz”) tap my phones and, most probably, read my every email. Officials of the aviation authority have been trying to revoke my pilot license by revoking my necessary “reliability confirmation”. Germany’s regime has been doing all this for years now, under cries of pleasure from its state controlled media outlets. 

Their fanatic press coverage of me as a “dangerours anti-vaxxer” also motivated denunciators and the part-time volunteers of the regimes apparatus. In form of the “Berlin Medical Association”, for instance. This body of self regulation of physicians has state granted bureaucratic authorities over is mandatory members, such as myself. It’s officials tried to press first the legal authorities and then the court to declare me “unfit to practise” as a doctor. So far without success. 

With all that has happened in the past three years, it can’t possibly be long before gentlemen in trench coats finally drive up to take me to “clarify a matter”, as it was a standing term in East Germany’s GDR during the “Stasi”-terror. .Jörg Drieselmann, ex-director of the Stasi Museum in Berlin had already predicted this to me years ago.I laughed at him then. Today we laugh together and are curious to see which “facts” I will have to clarify one day. The officials themselves probably don’t even know that, until they send they snatchers. But one thing seems clear: even without any “weapons of war”, I am credibly assured, it is already “a piece of cafe” for them to trump up charges for an arrest warrant.

The current investigation proceedings, under the accusation of “weapons of war”, make this child’s play, I am told by those who must know. Any other minor charges could be “combined” with this one. The merntioned charges against me of “defamation of political figures”  would come to mind as such “others”. This is the circular reasoning of the unjust state. The “grand total” would then justify a “potential prison sentence” in Germany’s “rule of law”. My recent exile to Switzerland is the final puzzle piece in this construction for it completes the list of necessary conditions under German criminal law: it creates a “flight risk” and thus provides a necessary “reason for detention”. The investigating judge would undoubtedly sign the corresponding warrant requested by the prosecutors. .Just like he signed the SWAT warrant raid the three apartments. After all, investigating magistrates (“Untersuchungsrichter) would never actually read such orders before signing them.The only purpose of these judges was to sign whats given to them. This is the way the legal system works in Germany.

Recently, a man took me aside. He was very glad, he whispered, that I was no longer in Germany. He was a prison guard and had already feared with colleagues that he would soon meet me professionally. If it did come to that, he assured me, I should comfort myself with the certainty that “there are many friends inside too”. His concern seemed as sincere as his assurance. As unexpected as this sympathy of the jailers was the mistrust of some members of the “resistance” I have also been experiencing for years. To quite a few of these people, it seemed proof of my falsehood and “just another big lie” that I was still at large at all. As a man with a “suspicious nose” who had already lived in “Illuminati Switzerland” some years agi, it seemed obvious to them, that I was an “agent of the deep state” and not an opponent of the regime. My CV, they would argue, proves this to anyone who could still think for themselves. All the “persecution” was only staged and I was really a “high-grade mason” and of course a Zionist.

Will the same apply to the hit men of Germany’s regime as to its “resistance” and prison guards? If in the end it won’t be an arrest warrant that is executed on me, I ask myself this: Will the person who pulls the trigger do it with reluctance? Will he assure me of his sympathy beforehand? And once I’ve had that “accident”, how many “awaked” members of the “resistance” will be sure that it was “all just staged” anyway? Just like that potential arrest warrant. If I continue to enter Germany, the well-informed people tell me, it will come. And that quite soon.

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