New Normal Reich: Germany’s return to fascism

You may have heard about a recent criminal trial in Germany, in which Broadway writer CJ Hopkins was convicted. His crime: he did what German state broadcasters do every day. @CJHopkins_Z23 displayed a swastika on his book cover to remind the reader of Germanys fascistic past. Unlike German state media though (many of the radio and TV stations are state funded and controlled), Hopkins aimed his criticism at the present German government.

This government has now created a state censorship authority within the “Bundesnetzagentur” (Federal Network Agency). This happened in spite of the fact, that @Meta, @X and all other major platforms were are already very willingly cooperating with the authorities and heavily censoring users like CJ Hopkins or myself. In view of the increasingly rapid fall of the governing parties in the election polls however, this cooperation longer seems to be enough. The “Federal Network Agency” has therefore now licensed the first private censorship company (“trusted flagger”). It’s mission is to “report” such posts “below criminal threshold” to the platforms, that could have a “negative effect on public discourse” in the governments view. Special departments within these platforms and public prosecutors’ offices will be available to the “trusted flaggers” for prioritized cooperation with them.

An old German saying in the military and the authorities is “Reporting sets you free”. This means to say, that when an employee reports a problem, the line manager takes all responsibility, thus relinquishing the reporter from it. The infamous inscription on the gate of the Nazi extermination camp at Auschwitz read: “Work sets you free”. It is not only in this respect that contemporary fascism in Germany is becoming increasingly similar to the two historically terror regimes of Germany’s recent past. The present German regime had also planned internment camps again – for people who refused to obey the coronavirus quarantine orders. In the end, however, this did not happen. At the time, officials were probably still afraid of the external impression. Today, more and more of the country’s citizens are convinced that the regime no longer has this concern.

It is currently planning to introduce new criminal offenses. On the one hand, all expressions of opinion that the government believes could have a “negative effect on the discourse” in the country are to be punishable. On the other hand, acts that are classified as “socially harmful” are to be subject to special increased of punishment. Does this choice of words sound familiar to you? It does to more and more dissidents. They are leaving Germany in droves.

Heil, New Normal Reich.

@maxotte_says @Markus_Krall @goddeketal @robinmonotti @Haintz_MediaLaw @wolff_ernst @shellenberger @AndersonAfDMdEP @JosefFLindner


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